3D PotterBot Super 9

Printing Envelope:
X-17” (420mm)
Y-14” (360mm)
Z-20" (510 mm)
Printer size: W-29” L-32” H-36”
Maximum operation space needed:
W-47” L-36” H-77”
Bat diameter (printer bed): 15” (381mm)
Height to the top of the extruder fully extended is 77” (1955mm)
Weight with extruder: 40 lbs.
Average speed: 2.2’’ to 5.1’’/s (55 to 130 mm/s)
Power Supply: Output - 24V 5-6 amps, Input - 100-240V, 50-60 Hertz (No 240V power plug supplied for customers outside of USA).
Power consumption: 24V ~3 amps, ~70 Watt
Main controller board running Duet3D with Atmel SAM4E8E: 120MHz ARM Cortex-M4
3D Potterbot Super 9
The SUPER 9 ceramic 3D printer model has a more robust construction to carry the higher-volume of 3600 ml clay extruder. This large hybrid motor extruder is capable of much faster speeds of extrusion than our standard model 9. Large prints or sequential objects printing can be accomplished without changing the tubes so it is ideal for a production environment. If large prints is what you are looking for, you can also consider the 9XXL, or the Scara models.
3D Potter Ceramic Printers
3D Potter ceramic printers use high quality anodized aluminum rails. These rails are robust and have a smooth surface, allowing for easy movement of parts while being able to withstand classroom or industrial environments.
The unique feature of our printers is the direct extrusion of real clay. Other brands use a compressed air system printing slip (watered down clay or alcohol diluted clay). The advantage of direct extrusion is printing full body clay, or other paste-like materials. All materials used to build our printers are food grade, so get creative.
We keep improving our designs. The 9th generation brings a new wireless feature with a full web interface controlled over WiFi. You can now control and upload files to the printer from multiple devices simultaneously.
The interface allows you full control over every setting of the machine. Interface preview.